School Choice Application For The School District Of Oconee County Begins This Friday

(Seneca, SC)———————    The School Choice Application process begins for the School District of Oconee County this Friday, March 1st for parents and guardians who are interested in their children attending a school outside of the attendance area in which they live. 

The School District says that the School Choice Applications process ends on Friday, June 7th and there are no exceptions. The form that needs to be filled out is available online and is available at the School District website at and then clicking on the Parents’ tab. If you are unable to complete the online request form, contact the School District Office to obtain a paper copy to complete and return to the school you are requesting. School choice forms are required annually even if your child is currently attending school choice. 

Here is some other pertinent information from the School District regarding School Choice: 

    • Only students that reside in Oconee County are eligible for choice.
    • Transportation to a “choice school” is the responsibility of the parents/guardians (no bus service will be provided).
    • Students on school choice must submit an application each year.
    • Principals will consider behavior, attendance, and grades before approving applications.
    • The completed online request is due to the choice school on or before June 7, 2019.
  • If more applications are received than the number of spaces available at any school, a lottery system will be used to fill spaces.

The school district reserves the right to limit school choice enrollment by grade level or program as staffing or funding requires. Choice may also be limited by classroom space in the school(s). 

Steven Hanvey from the School District says that there is also some other criteria that is considered in the School Choice Application process, including student attendance, grades and discipline. Also, students must provide their own transportation.