4th of July Fire Safety Tips

Every year, Americans look forward to celebrating the country’s independence on the 4th of July with fireworks.  However, the holiday also brings fires and injuries due to these fireworks. Knowing a few fire safety tips and following instructions will help everyone have a safe Independence Day celebration, says Oconee County Fire Marshall Shane Gibbs.  “Always read and follow the directions on the fireworks’ label.  Always have an adult present when handling fireworks.  Never give fireworks to young children, even sparklers! Use fireworks outdoors in a safe, non-wooden area.  Have a working garden hose or bucket of water handy in case of a fire.  Keep everyone a safe distance away from fireworks.  Light only one firework at a time.  Never re-ignite a firework that doesn’t light the first time. Never carry fireworks in your pocket.  Don’t throw fireworks at another person.  Keep pets indoors and away from fireworks.  Never shoot fireworks in metal or glass containers.”  Please follow this firework safety advice and have and safe and happy 4th of July.