Oconee County Sheriff’s Office Announces Dates For Upcoming Community Awareness Presentations

(Seneca, SC)————————The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office has announced that the agency will be doing a series of Community Awareness presentations throughout the spring and summer to educate the citizens of Oconee County on how to help prevent crime, protect themselves from crime and share general education about crimes in their area. The series of presentations will take place at various locations across the county, with the focus on each presentation being specifically geared towards the most prevalent crimes in that particular section of the community.
The second Community Awareness presentation will take place this Thursday, April 25th at Foothills Church at 505 Bountyland Road from 7pm until 8pm. Residents within a ten mile radius of Foothills Church are encouraged to attend the meeting.
A Community Awareness presentation has also been scheduled for May 9th, also from 7pm until 8pm, at South Union Baptist Church, at 481 South Union Road.
Future dates have been announced for other Community Awareness presentations on June 27th, August 15th, September 12th and October 10th. The locations for these future presentations will be announced at a later time.