Rise in OC Domestic Violence Deaths

Deaths caused by domestic violence are on the rise in Oconee County.  According to the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office, seven people have been killed in domestic violence-related incidents in the past six months.  The most recent occurred on Saturday morning in Seneca.  Safe Harbor offers help to those individuals living in an abusive or deadly relationship in Oconee County.  However, the non-profit domestic violence organization only offers counseling in Oconee County and there is no shelter to protect those who are trying to leave.  The closest shelters are located in Anderson and Greenville Counties.  A campaign is underway in Oconee County to locate a shelter here.  The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office is trying to find a place that Safe Harbor could either use for a shelter or build one. To break ground on a new facility, Safe Harbor says it will need to raise $1.5 million. This would allow Safe Harbor to open a shelter and pay for three-years of service.