AAA Carolinas urges Caution during Deer Season

It’s that time of year again when motorists need to be cautious of deer. With more deer around the road during mating and hunting season, AAA Carolinas is urging motorists to take precaution to avoid collisions. The mating season of deer typically runs from mid-October through mid-November. During this time, it is common for deer to lose their normally cautious manner, even in the middle of the day, as bucks chase does. Because of this deviation in behavior, October, November and December are the worst months of the year for motor vehicle collisions with animals. In 2016, there were 2,460 crashes reported as a result of deer to the South Carolina Department of Public Safety. AAA Carolinas encourages motorists to follow these tips this deer season: Be especially attentive in the early morning and evening hours as deer are most active from 5-8am and 5-8pm, which happens to be prime commuting times for most drivers. Use high beams when there is no oncoming traffic, your lights will often reflect off the animal’s eyes and reveal their location. If you spot a deer, slow down and watch for other deer to appear, as they rarely travel alone. As you slow down, blast your horn to frighten the animal away from the road. In addition, AAA Carolinas encourages you to check with your insurance agent to make sure you have comprehensive coverage that includes animal collision. ​​AAA Carolinas, an affiliate of the American Automobile Association, is a not-for-profit organization that serves more than 2.1 million member and the public with travel, automobile and insurance services while being an advocate for the safety and security of all travelers. ​