Scott says Budget is Important Step for American Families

U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) released the following statement last week after voting to approve the FY 2018 budget resolution, which will provide a pathway to tax reform that will help more American families keep more of their paycheck. “If we are going to get serious about helping those who are living paycheck-to-paycheck keep more of their money, we must understand that the time is now,” Scott said. “It has been 30 years since we last reformed our tax system, and we have the great opportunity to focus on the American people in a bipartisan fashion. Our goal is simple, we want to help hardworking Americans see a pay increase and make sure the jobs of the future are created here at home. The good news is we can now make that happen. So as we move forward on the debate surrounding tax reform, let’s consider the single mom, like mine, who wants to provide a better life for her family, or the grandparents who want to save for retirement, or the young entrepreneur who hopes to open a new business. These are the people who will benefit greatly from tax reform, and that is where our focus should be.” The FY 2018 budget provides reconciliation instructions to spur economic growth with $1.5 trillion for tax reform.