Challengers prevail in OC Municipal Elections

In three municipal elections across Oconee County, it was a mixed bag for incumbents. One incumbent lost in each election; Salem, Walhalla, and Westminster. Long-time Walhalla elected leader Lamar Bailes trailed the four-man race for three council seats. The Walhalla council winners were Roberts, Burrell, and Owens. Dennis Owens appeared to have gained the third seat by a three-vote margin over Bailes–142 to 139. In Salem, the unofficial results showed incumbent Tony Grogan missing the cut for one of two seats. The Salem council winners were challenger Lynn Frank Towe and incumbent Russell Patterson. Westminster yesterday fielded the largest number of candidates seeking a total of four seats. The unofficial count gave A-T Caywood an unexpired council term of two years remaining. The four-year council term winners were incumbent Yousef Mefleh and former councilmen Reid Adams and Jimmy Powell. The results remain unofficial until certified later this week by the Oconee County Board of Voter Registration and Elections.