SC RIA approves Grant Assistance for 28 Communities

The South Carolina Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA) has approved grant assistance for 28 communities totaling more than $12 million to ensure safe drinking water for residents and provide infrastructure reliability for area businesses. Funds will be used for construction of pump stations, elevated water storage tanks, line extensions as well as upgrades to treatment plants. Recipients share in the cost of projects by paying for non-construction activities and, often times, providing additional funds for construction. With nearly two-thirds of projects in more rural and less developed counties, the RIA grant program provides an opportunity for applicants to address their most pressing infrastructure needs. “These funds are vital to help communities make the necessary investments to modernize and improve their water and sewer infrastructure,” said executive director Bonnie Ammons. Whether it’s constructing a new well to meet the daily demand for water in a community, upgrading outdated sewer lines or mitigating the health and safety risks of flooding by improving a neighborhood’s drainage infrastructure, these grant awards will have a significant impact on the residents and businesses that they serve. RIA grants are awarded twice a year through a competitive process that considers the need for improved public health, environmental protection, community sustainability and economic development. Applications are selected by the RIA board based on criteria, including: severity of the problem, expected impact and project feasibility. To learn more about RIA or how to apply for grant assistance, visit