Busy Time in Columbia for Sen. Alexander

It is a very busy time in Columbia for State Senator Thomas Alexander who took a break Tuesday night to attend the Oconee Economic Alliance’s Annual Meeting at the Lighthouse Events Center in Seneca. “Well, certainly we continue to work on issues that important to our citizens throughout our communities in the state. Economic development continues to be at the forefront that is the reason I’m so delighted to see the work that the Oconee Economic Alliance continues to do and the growth and potential we have here. Certainly workforce development continues to be a priority in making sure that we are providing the type of opportunities in training for the citizens that will meet the needs our employers as they continue to grow and expand. We’re continuing to work on the state budget that we’ll begin working on for the fiscal year 2018-19 in the next few weeks and have the opportunity to plan for the future from that standpoint. So, it has been a busy time, a lot going on, but there is nothing more important than making sure that we are providing the right type of atmosphere here in South Carolina for our business community to be successful and to continue to grow their jobs so that our citizens can be productive and be successful in their work. That is the reason I think that the Oconee Economic Alliance is such an important part and we see it across the state from that standpoint too is those teamwork efforts that are being made in economic development. To see this crowd and the opportunities of networking together is very important as well.” A large crowd attend the meeting to hear about job growth and business recruitment to the Golden Corner of South Carolina from the Oconee Economic Alliance. Learn more online at www.InvestOconeeSC.com.