Record 2.1 Million Carolinians to travel this Thanksgiving

AAA Carolinas projects that 2.1 million Carolinians will journey 50 miles or more from home this Thanksgiving, with over 1.4 million North Carolinians and 700,000 South Carolinians traveling. This represents a 3.3% over from 2016. The Thanksgiving holiday travel period is defined as Wednesday, Nov. 22, to Sunday, Nov. 26. “Despite higher gas prices this year, Carolinians are still planning to hit the roads in record-breaking numbers to spend time with family and friends this Thanksgiving,” said AAA Carolinas President and CEO Dave Parsons. “We urge everyone to practice safety behind the wheel. Don’t drink and drive, buckle up, avoid speeding and eliminate distractions.” North Carolina’s average gas price is currently $2.40, a 32 cent increase from 2016’s Thanksgiving average. This marks the highest price for the holiday in North Carolina since 2014, when the average was $2.73. South Carolina’s average is currently $2.28, a 44 cent increase from 2016. This is the highest average for Thanksgiving travel in South Carolina since 2014 when the average was $2.56. Driving remains most popular mode of travel for Thanksgiving. The vast majority, close to 90%, of holiday travel will take place on the roads. AAA Carolinas is expecting 1.3 million North Carolinians and 630,000 South Carolinians to travel by vehicle. AAA expects about 98,000 North Carolinians to fly to their Thanksgiving holiday destinations, while 49,000 South Carolinians will travel by air. An estimated 42,000 North Carolinians and 21,000 South Carolinians will travel by other modes of transportation, including cruises, trains and buses. Typically, the busiest days for road travel are the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and the Sunday following the holiday. Historically, Thanksgiving Day morning experiences the lightest traffic.