Be prepared for Travel Delays over Thanksgiving

Today is the busiest travel day of the year. AAA Carolinas reports that 700,000 people in South Carolina will be traveling 50 or more miles from home, with 630,000 of those in South Carolina traveling by motor vehicle. The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office offers some travel tips to help keep you and your family safe over the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend, explains Public Information Officer Jimmy Watt. “Traffic volumes on Wednesday will increase as the day goes along, with the normal peak travel time between noon and 7pm. Always remember to be patient and courteous, as the possibilities of accidents will increase with the volume of traffic on the roads. We recommended leaving early on Wednesday as that could save you some time traveling and prevent you from being delayed. Planning ahead of time is always recommended before you travel and this pre-planning can possibly eliminate some headaches before you hit the road. Make plans right now to make sure your vehicle is ready for travel by checking your tires for proper inflation. Make sure your belts, hoses, brakes and your vehicles fluids are in good shape before you head out. Planning out your trip and knowing how you will get to your destination is always important, including how long you anticipate it will take you to travel to your destination. Make sure your family and friends are aware of the route you have chosen to travel and when you are leaving and when you anticipate arriving. Make sure you cell phones have a full battery or you have a way to charge your phone in case you have to call for help and in case you are stuck in traffic or do have vehicle problems where you could be delayed awhile, place some extra clothes, blankets, food and water in your vehicle in case you need it.” Please also celebrate the time with your family and friends responsibly and always have a designated driver and do not drink and drive. Also, wear your seat belt and don’t text or e-mail while driving or do anything that could distract you while you are behind the wheel.