Update on New WHS

An update on plans for the new Walhalla High School was given this week to the Board of Trustees for the School District of Oconee County.  The Board heard about site preparation and when actual construction is set to begin, explains Oconee County Assistant Superintendent Dr. Michael Thorsland.  “While construction is progressing nicely it has been slow over the last month because of the wet weather that should not affect the start date on the building.  We still anticipate that to be around April or May time frame.  The Board will receive the guaranteed maximum price at the first Board meeting in April and construction should start very soon after that.  When I say construction will start, we have been moving dirt and preparing the site and the road construction has almost been completed.  When I say construction will start in April or May that is the actual building itself.” The new Walhalla High School off Highway 11 is scheduled to open in August 2015.