Find Unique Gifts at the OHC

Is there someone difficult to buy for in your family? Well, visit the gift shop of the Oconee Heritage Center (OHC) in downtown Walhalla to find some unique gifts, tells OHC Director Leslie Hagerty. “We always work on stocking that up before the holidays hit, so we have lots of local authors’ books for sale and those have been popular. We’ve got some other hard to find titles as well and those can all be seen on our website and you can also purchase on our website. We’ve also got lots of cookbooks, CDs, old-fashioned toys, handmade crafts and so all of that is available for anybody and everybody.”
The gift shop of the OHC is open Tuesday through Saturday, from 11am until 5pm. The OHC is located at 123 Brown’s Square Drive in Walhalla.