Scott comments on National Defense Authorization Act

On Tuesday, Dec. 12, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) released the following statement after President Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY18. “The final NDAA looks out for our service members and allocates critical resources that will continue to strengthen our national security posture. Most notably, it provides our military personnel with a significant pay increase. It is great news when we can compensate our men and women in uniform for everything they do. I was also glad to see special emphasis on building up our missile defense programs, a crucial step to countering future global threats. And as someone who believes GITMO should remain operational in order to keep enemy combatants from returning to the battlefield, I was reassured to see the NDAA continues to keep these individuals from being transferred or released. All in all, today marks a good day for our military and a good day for our country.”