One Seneca Food Drive feeding Needy People

Two student groups at Seneca High School (SHS) are collecting food for hungry individuals, tells SHS Guidance Counselor Cari Carter. “The One Seneca Food Drive is actually sponsored by the SHS Future Farmers of America (FFA) Chapter and the Student Government Association (SGA). They work together to collects nonperishable food items as well as toiletries through our Cat Classes. It is a competition for our Cat Classes, those are our home room classes and so the Cat Class who collects the most items, every student will receive a movie ticket, the class will have a pizza party and the teacher of that class will get a $25 Walmart gift card. Last year we collected 1,300 items. All of the items that are collected are either given to our Grace’s Closet at the high school and for the items that are then left over from Grace’s Closet, those go to the Golden Corner Food Pantry.” Thanks to the students of SHS and their contributions to the One Seneca Food Drive, items donated will benefit needy individuals living in the Seneca area.