Scott and Conference Committee Members reach Tax Reform Deal

On Friday, Dec. 15, 2017, U.S. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), member of the House-Senate Tax Reform Conference Committee, released the statement below, following the committee’s announcement of the final deal reached on a historic tax reform package. Scott said, “It is a good day for the American people, my colleagues and I have put together a package that will ultimately deliver much-needed tax relief to our middle class families and boost our nation’s economy. This is our chance to say to those who haven’t seen a paycheck increase in decades, we hear you, and we see you. With this bill, we are helping single moms, like mine, by bolstering the Child Tax Credit and allowing more hardworking, everyday Americans to keep more of their hard-earned money. I want to thank my colleagues both on the Senate Finance Committee and the Conference Committee who worked through the differences, and helped to create a final version of a tax bill that will, without question, produce amazing results. By this time next week, we are hopeful we will have a bill on the President’s desk ready for signature, and in 2018, Americans will start to see the tangible benefits of this breakthrough agreement.” The bill is expected to be voted on by both chambers of Congress, and will eventually land on the President’s desk for final approval.