Our Daily Rest accepting Guests

People are taking advantage of the white flag outside Our Daily Rest in downtown Seneca. Oconee County’s only homeless shelter waives the white flag any time the temperature drops below 36 degrees, explains Our Daily Rest Executive Director Lauren Richardson. “We’ve had quit a few guests. People who know that we do inclimate weather shelters have called or come in at the appropriate time, which is about 8pm. They know that they can come get a warm meal, a good warm place to sleep adn any kind of warm clothing they need to replace things they’ve got or a diffency there of and then the next morning they check out and sometimes they come back the next night. But we’ve had quit a few people taking advantage of our living rooms this year.” With the increase number of guests, supplies will eventually run out, adds Richardson. “They will begin to. Christmas was just upon us and we had a very generous community during that time. We try to give warm socks, gloves, hats, blankets, and things like that to folks who need them as well as warm clothing for people of all sizes. So, if you have spares, we’ll put them to good use. Hand warmers too would be really good.” Our Daily Rest is located at 525 East Main Street in Seneca.