Mayor wants to form New Committee on Economic Development

A new committee focused on economic development issues is being considered by the City of Seneca. As part of his plan to reorganize the city’s committees, Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander also wants to form a new one. “Some ground work has already started about looking at some type of incentive package that we could use to recruit people downtown. So, we are looking at some different things there. I’m actually going to be setting up a committee that is going to sort of steer head that. I mentioned before that I wanted to sort of re-do the committees a little bit. I plan to do that next week, just get all that finalized and really thinking about what would be the best thing to do, what do we really want to focus on. I really want to see the downtown, I know council does too, they want to be a part of doing whatever they can to help revitalize downtown and instead of some of the empty buildings having businesses in them.” A name for the committee has yet to be decided, continues Mayor Alexander. “I haven’t come up with a name yet but definitely looking at some type downtown development committee. We have the finance, light and water, and the event committees. But economic development definitely will be a committee.” Members of the Seneca City Council are appointed to serve on committees governing different areas of city government. Mayor Alexander is looking to change those council committee assignments to give council members more opportunities. “It gives an opportunity to get a different view but also gives them an opportunity to understand different parts of the city too. I feel like all the council members here have a good understanding about every department but it gives them an opportunity to serve on a different committee and play a different role too.” The Seneca City Council members are open to the change, added Mayor Alexander.