City of Clemson seeking Architects

The City of Clemson recently increased their fees for the Board of Architectural Review. The reason for this change is to ensure that the projects being built in our Architectural Review Districts have the benefit of a trained eye regardless of the skill set of the sitting Board and staff. These are design decisions the community will live with for a long time and we want to invest in making good decisions. The plan is to have a minimum of three and a maximum of four architects contracted for a 2-year cycle. Staff will determine the two architects that will review a given project. Selection of the architects will be based on availability, how the specifics of a project match up with the skill set of a particular architect, possible conflicts of interest, and the desire to garner varied perspectives. Architects will be given prior instruction and the tools to familiarize themselves with the City of Clemson zoning ordinance (both Zoning District standards and AR standards). The first time a project is submitted for review, staff will submit the BAR submittal to the two selected architects along with a baseline staff report (discussing compliance with setbacks, heights, parking, etc.). The architect will then report back to staff. The architects review will be submitted to staff and their comments and suggestions will be incorporated into the staff report for that project which will be presented at the conceptual review meeting. The architect’s comments will not be attributed to a specific person. At the staff’s discretion, major BAR resubmissions will also be reviewed (for a fee) by the consulting architects. The fee for each review will be $200. Some reviews will be simple and take less than an hour to assess and comment upon. Some will be more complex. If you are interested in applying to serve as one of the architects that the City of Clemson can call upon, submit a resume and cover letter to Todd Steadman at 1250 Tiger Boulevard, Suite 4, Clemson, SC, 29631. Applications will be received until the positions are filled.