Seneca Mayor wants to form New Committee on Recreation

Three members of the Seneca City Council will soon comprise a new committee focused on recreation, says Mayor Dan Alexander. “There’s several things we would like to do in recreation but we need to make sure we have a pathway, which way we are going, what we want to do, listen to what the input from the public is, what they would like to see, so there is going to be a committee set up for that. It will be working with Utilities Director Bob Faires, Finance Director Josh Riches, Planning Director Ed Halbig and Recreation Director Rick Lacey, who will be serving on that committee too. They will coming up with ideas on what direction we feel like we would like to go. The city owns lots of different properties that are ideal for recreational activities, so where do we want to go, sort of a vision of where we want recreation to be. There is definitely some interest there, I know we have a lot of people that have shown interest and said we wish Seneca could do this or change this a little bit. So, we’ll be looking at that, that is what that committee’s objective is going to be to bring back a recommendation to the full council. So, they will be working hard to do that.” The Seneca City Council must still approve the proposed recreation committee, which is scheduled for discussion on Tuesday, Jan. 30, at 6pm during their work session meeting in Council Chambers of Seneca City Hall.