Clemson City Council to meet on Feb. 5

The agenda is set for the Clemson City Council meeting on Monday, Feb. 5. A public hearing is planned for 6:15pm on the Social Host Ordinance and then the Regular Council Meeting starts at 6:30pm. Among the items on the agenda are a report from the Economic Development Advisory Committee, consideration on second reading of an Ordinance to amend the City Code to reduce the number of members and required backgrounds for Building and Fire Board of Appeals, consideration on second reading of an Ordinance to amend the City Code Chapter 11 Municipal Utilities Article I, and consideration on first reading of a proposed text amendment of Article I and Article VI of the zoning regulations to create exemptions from certain design standards that would prohibit the reconstruction of a list of structures deemed ‘culturally significant’. In Executive Session, the Council will consider appointments to the Economic Development Advisory Committee and receive and discuss a legal update regarding the Rubin Square eminent domain lawsuit. Upon returning to regular session, Council may take action on matters discussed in Executive Session. The meeting is open to the public and takes place in Clemson Council Chambers of Clemson City Hall, which is located at 1250 Tiger Boulevard.