Volunteer at the OHS

Beyond pure financial support, the Oconee Humane Society (OHS) depends on volunteers to provide most of the labor to make the organization function. Volunteers are always needed, tells OHS Volunteer Coordinator Angel Newman. “If you are 18 or older and would like to spend it with others who have taken up the cause, we would very much appreciate your help. Some areas in which we can use assistance are front desk, dog and cat socialization as well as special events. Since we are an all-volunteer organization with a limited number of consistent volunteers, we are unable to offer volunteer training to all students who need to provide community service hours. Each volunteer​r​​ must be prepared to engage in a minimum of 20 hours of volunteer service to be eligible for community service credit.​ Community service hours will be signed off only upon completion of the full 20 hours. Each volunteer applicant must identify, on their application, a consistent day and time that they will volunteer. After the above steps are completed, one of our volunteer trainers will contact you to arrange a training​ session. For those interested in dog socialization, the orientation lasts approximately 1.5 hours. For those interested in Cat Socialization, the orientation is typically 1 hour. Community services credit will begin once the volunteer has successfully completed their orientation.” If you would like to volunteer, complete the online Volunteer Application at www.oconeehumane.org.