OJRSA outlines Renovation Project

Plans to renovate the administrative and operations buildings of the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority (OJRSA) were outlined Monday night during their board of commissioners meeting for February. OJRSA Vice-chairman Bob Faires gives details. “It’s actually pretty exciting out at the OJRSA right now. This is one of the things we have been wanting to do for awhile is update the facilities out there. Those facilities are 40-years-old and they are showing it. So, its an opportunity that the board is going to go ahead and take advantage of and get the facilities ready for the next 40-years. There will be some changes on the inside as far as the way it is laid out, offering more room, more office space, more operational space and making things a little more attractive to the people when they come to visit the OJRSA for meetings and things. So, looking forward to not just giving it a face lift but bringing it up to code in a number of different areas. Doing some things with the entrance and around the outside with access to the operations and the administrative buildings. It is something the board is excited about. It looks like we have ourselves on a nice schedule, we think it is doable, and we think we can go through the process of finalizing a scope, getting a good RFQ out there for contractors to bid on and being able to award a project sometime this spring.” Bids for contractors will be advertised on March 23.