Cheney campaigning on Personhood Bill and Birth Control

Now retired, the former director of the Oconee County Public Library, Philip Cheney is running for Governor of South Carolina. One main issue, Cheney is campaigning on is the Personhood Bill and its effects on birth control. “I am an independent candidate for governor via petition. There is a bill that has passed out of committee in the Senate called the Personhood Bill, which is on a fast track, Gov. Henry McMaster has agreed to sign it if it is passed and of course, Kevin Bryant who is now lieutenant governor proposed this bill last year when he was still in the State Senate. He became lieutenant governor after McMaster became governor after Nikki Haley went to the United Nations. The Personhood Bill states simply that life begins at conception. My contention is and it is based on my knowledge of how most birth control works that most forms of birth control, which work by preventing the implementation of the fertilized egg in the uterine wall, will be outlawed if this bill passes and is signed by the governor into law. In addition to all the other side effects of this bill, the most serious one for young heterosexual couples that are trying to plan families, is that only barrier methods of birth control, like condoms and diaphragms, will be acceptable under this law if it is passed by the State Legislature this year. It is on the fast track, it has already gotten out of the Senate Committee out on to the floor for discussion.” The Personhood Bill, which was voted out of Senate Committee last week along party lines, will have grave consequences if it becomes law in South Carolina, adds Cheney. “I believe that the Personhood Bill if passed will make South Carolina a no womans land for every women of child barring age. I don’t think any women who might be thinking about coming to universities or to work here, they would have second thoughts if they are being recruited to come to South Carolina if this law is passed by the State Legislature this year and it is on a fast track, both the governor and lieutenant governor are supporting it.” Cheney invites voters to follow him on Facebook. “They can follow me on Facebook, I put all this stuff out on my Facebook page. I’m Philip Mathews Cheney and I put out stuff everyday about where I have been, what I am doing, which group I’m supporting with my efforts, meager thou they may be.” Cheney recommends you contact your elected representatives in both the State Senate and the State House of Representatives to let them know you are against passage of this bill.