Support Law Enforcement by playing in Crimestoppers of OC Golf Tourney

If you have been thinking about how to show your support for law enforcement in Oconee County or how to help make our communities safer, one of the ways those goals can be accomplished is by participating in and being a sponsor of the 2018 Crimestoppers of Oconee County, Inc. Golf Tournament, explains Oconee County Sheriff’s Office Public Information Officer Jimmy Watt. “The annual fundraiser for the Oconee County Crimestoppers organization will be held during Law Enforcement Officers Appreciation Week on Friday, May 18th, 2018 at Oconee Country Club in Seneca. Crimestoppers is a 501©(3) organization and does not receive any taxpayer money nor any money from the budgets of law enforcement agencies in Oconee County,” says “All money that is raised for the Crimestoppers organization comes from grants and donations and from our fund raisers that we hold every year. The vast majority of money raised for the Oconee County Crimestoppers program goes to help pay for tips that lead to arrests in cases investigated by law enforcement agencies right here in Oconee County. By supporting your local Crimestoppers program here in Oconee, you are in fact supporting local law enforcement here and your support continues to provide this important tool that our officers can use to solve crimes right here at home to help keep our communities safe.” Between 2013 and 2017 alone, tips that have come into Crimestoppers here in Oconee County have led to 52 arrests and/or cases cleared with $5,675 in tip money being rewarded during that time. Registration for the tournament will begin at 10am that day and the tournament will have a noon shotgun start. The field will consist of 25 4-man Captain’s Choice teams. The cost per player is $60 or $240 for a team. Hole sponsorships are available for $100 each. Also again this year, for $150 each, hole sponsors can have their hole sponsorship signs displayed not only at the golf tournament but also at the Crimestoppers Apple Festival Car Show in September in Westminster during the 2018 Apple Festival. Any questions regarding the 2018 Crimestoppers of Oconee County, Inc. Golf Tournament, including how to register a team and/or become a hole sponsor, can be directed to Jimmy Watt, Public Information Officer at the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office at 864-638-4199 or by e-mail at [email protected]. The deadline for hole sponsorships for the tournament is noon on Friday, May 4, while the deadline for team registration is at noon on Friday, May 11.