SMS Students place in State Essay Contest

Stereotypes begin at a young age and middle school students are not immune to its touch and influence. Perhaps it is this experience that enabled two Seneca Middle School (SMS) eighth grade students to write essays about stereotypes that earned them both recognition and prizes for their powerful work. Brianne Argo and Ava Kelly recently attended the awards ceremony for the 8th annual Atlantic Institute Essay Contest at the Booker T. Washington Auditorium at the University of South Carolina. This year’s essay topic was “Looking Past Stereotypes: Accepting Others in Today’s World.” Argo wrote a fictional story and won 4th place in the state along with a $50 gift card. Kelly wrote a first-person narrative essay and won 1st place in the state. She was awarded a 7-day trip to Peru for her and her teacher, Mrs. Stephanie Necessary. Necessary said of the contest, “I’m thankful for organizations like the Atlantic Institute that provide wonderful opportunities for our young people. In today’s age, it is so important to encourage our youth to think beyond themselves, to prepare to be the leaders of tomorrow, and to have opportunities like this to shine. It takes a village to raise our children, and it is because of groups like the Atlantic Institute that we know the future of South Carolinian children are bright.” The Atlantic Institute is a non-profit organization that emphasizes the importance of education, dialog and understanding in cross-cultural engagement.