SHS holds Code Red Drill

Several law enforcement vehicles could be seen turning into Seneca High School (SHS) this morning. However, there is no reason to worry this was just a drill, explains Oconee County Schools Assistant Superintendent of Operations Steve Hanvey. “Seneca High was the last school in the county to do; we do it at all the schools; elementary, middle and high. Obviously, we try to do them earlier in the year but this one got pushed back for different reasons; events and things. And because of what happened recently, once the person got in the building, they just went through the main entrance actually, once they got in we had them announce that it was a drill so that people would not panic and start texting people. So, we just wanted them to know and go through that process because when we have our meetings we have heard even though we do them every year and that teachers talk about them at the beginning of school and in their advisory groups, we still have parents that say my kids doesn’t know what to do in a situation like that. So, we usually go in unannounced and we see how folks react and then we analyze that with law enforcement and school administration. Normally we don’t announce that it is a drill, but again with the timing of this one a little too close to some other instances, we felt like that was the best thing to do. But we still felt like based on our conversations with parents when we are doing our community meetings that we needed to finish it out so we can say that we have had them in all the schools and at least they go through the drill a minimum of once a year.” Code Red Drills, which mean an intruder as entered a school, are conducted at each school in the district every year.