Lunney Museum still Open despite Restoration

The Lunney House Museum in downtown Seneca is still open despite ongoing restoration, says Seneca City Museums Director and Curator Dr. John Martin. “I’ve had more telephone calls and people stop me on the street and ask what is happening at the Lunney? We are in a process of restoration and it is a slow process. As you go through and strip paint from the exterior and other things you find other problems that need to be directed. So, the whole staff that is involved is moving in a very director and organized pattern of restoration. But the inside is still as handsome as ever and people can come in and I am full of stories. I welcome everyone to come. We have finished the brick work on the pathways in the back of the house, which was greatly needed after 100 years and they look beautiful. We are working on the porch slowly. We are going to re-stain the house dark walnut, which was the original color. That all takes time, so I urge everyone not to think we are not working because we are and then you have to contend with the weather. You can’t paint if it is raining. But do come and come into the house, I welcome you.” The Lunney House Museum is open for tours Thursday through Sunday, 1-5pm and it is located at 211 West South 1st Street in Seneca. For more information, visit