Mayor reviewing Applicants for City Administrator

Over 20 people have applied to be the next Seneca City Administrator. On June 30, Greg Dietterick will retire after 20 years as Seneca City Administrator. Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander is optimistic about those applying to replace him. “The search has been going good. We had several people apply and we have started the interview process. I feel like sometime in April that decision hopefully will be made. It is coming up pretty quick with Greg being gone, so I’m just trying to make sure and look at all the applicants. I’m going to be getting with city council to give them an update on that and I want their feedback too, sort let them know some of the people that I have talked to and get their input and see what they think. We’ve had about 20 applicants. Some of have been from out of state but lots from the Upstate and other parts of South Carolina. We have narrowed that down, had selection and interviewed several people but we are continuing to go through that process. Definitely a very professional type position and definitely some good applicants there.” Dietterick will remain on the job to assist in the transition to his replacement.