SCDJJ unveils Healing Tree to honor Crime Victims

National Crime Victims’ Rights Week is this week, April 8-14. The DJJ commemorated the occasion by unveiling a juvenile-made “Healing Tree.” Juveniles in DJJ’s welding program made the Healing Tree to serve as a symbol of healing and strength. Ribbons of Remembrance were attached to the tree with messages for victims and their families. A woman whose son was murdered shared her story and the path she is taking toward healing and forgiveness. A DJJ juvenile also shared what he learned through victim impact classes about empathy and the impact crime has on the community. Juveniles are taught the importance of restoring justice and correcting past transgressions. DJJ’s Healing Tree will be used to help further teach juveniles about empathy, forgiveness, sensitivity and awareness. This year’s theme for National Crime Victims’ Rights Week is “Expand the Circle – Reach All Victims.”