OC Council approves $2M Incentive Package for Lakeside Lodge

After two months of controversy, Lakeside Lodge Clemson is staying in Oconee County. With a 4-0 vote Tuesday night, the Oconee County Council approved a $2 million incentive agreement to keep the $45 million condominium project from annexing into the City of Clemson. Councilman Julian Davis thanked the developer for keeping it in the county. “I’d like to thank them for their commitment. This is a great project with great taxes in the area and I appreciate y’all choosing Oconee County. Y’all could have chosen lots of different places and y’all do bring jobs; good paying jobs, and y’all do pay taxes and a lot of taxes. I want people to understand that with this there is taxes; a lot of taxes are paid in here and a lot of investment that comes there as well as the people that come into there. I appreciate what y’all are bringing to the table.” The project is anticipated to pay more than $100,000 in accommodations taxes each year. As part of the agreement, the developer had to withdraw his request to annex the property into Clemson. Lakeside Lodge will have 118 units on eight acres inside the Hartwell Village shopping center on Highway 123 between Seneca and Clemson. Councilman Paul Cain was absent and did not vote on the incentive agreement.