Amended Agenda released for OC Council Meeting

The agenda has been amended for the Oconee County Council Meeting on Tuesday, April 24, at 6pm. Following the regular start to meetings, the County Administrator will give a report and agenda summary. Then public hearings are scheduled for the following ordinances: Ordinance 2018-07 “AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION, DELIVERY, AND IMPLEMENTATION OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN OCONEE COUNTY, THE CITY OF WALHALLA, AND MICHAEL CRENSHAW, AS SHERIFF FOR OCONEE COUNTY, IN RELATION TO LAW ENFORCEMENT AT COUNTY FACILITIES AND DURING COUNTY MEETINGS; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO.” Ordinance 2018-09 “AN ORDINANCE APPROVING, CONFIRMING, RATIFYING AND/OR AUTHORIZING CERTAIN ACTS AND AGREEMENTS BY AND BETWEEN OCONEE COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA AND BORGWARNER PDS (USA) INC. (THE “COMPANY”); AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BY AND BETWEEN OCONEE COUNTY AND BORGWARNER PDS (USA) INC. MEMORIALIZING THE FOREGOING; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, REVISING THE DISTRIBUTION OF REVENUE FROM A COMPANY PROPERTY.” Ordinance 2018-10 “AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN EQUIPMENT LEASE-PURCHASE AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF NOT EXCEEDING $365,000 TO DEFRAY THE COSTS OF ACQUIRING VARIOUS EQUIPMENT; AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO DETERMINE CERTAIN MATTERS; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO.” Ordinance 2018-11 “AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A FEE IN LIEU OF TAX AGREEMENT BETWEEN OCONEE COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA AND JTEKT NORTH AMERICA CORPORATION; THE GRANTING OF SPECIAL SOURCE REVENUE CREDITS; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, PAYMENT OF A FEE IN LIEU OF TAXES.” Third reading of the following ordinances: Ordinance 2018-07 [see caption above], Ordinance 2018-09 [see caption above], Ordinance 2018-10 [see caption above] and Ordinance 2018-11 [see caption above]. Second reading of the following ordinances: Ordinance 2018-12 “AN ORDINANCE TO DEVELOP A JOINTLY OWNED AND OPERATED MULTI-COUNTY INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS PARK WITH PICKENS COUNTY; SUCH INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS PARK TO BE, AT THE TIME OF ITS INITIAL DEVELOPMENT, GEOGRAPHICALLY LOCATED IN OCONEE COUNTY AND AUTHORIZING THE INCLUSION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY NOW OWNED BY CASTO OCONEE, LLC AND CLEMSON FAMILY INVESTORS, LLC OR THEIR RESPECTIVE ASSIGNEES; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN AGREEMENT GOVERNING THE MULTI-COUNTY INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS PARK; AND OTHER RELATED MATTERS.” First and final reading for the following resolutions: Resolution 2018-06 “A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND AFFIRMING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SENECA RAIL PARK (THE “PARK”); APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND RECORDATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS GOVERNING THE OPERATION OF THE PARK AND THE USE AND DEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE PARK; DESIGNATING THE OCONEE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AS THE COUNTY’S AGENT WITH REGARD TO CERTAIN TERMS OF THE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO.” Discussion regarding Action Items: Approval of Foothills Farmstead Development Plan and discussion and consideration of a request by FOYC that Council provide a letter in support of their pursuit of recreation boundaries around Fair Play Elementary School. Board and Commission Appointments (IF ANY) [Seats listed are all co-terminus seats] Building Codes Appeal Board; one at large seat. Unfinished Business [to include Vote and/or Action on matters brought up for discussion, if required] Approval of 2018 Strategic Plan Report. New Business [may include items which may be scheduled for final action at a future meeting, if required] [None scheduled.] Council Committee Reports: Law Enforcement, Public Safety, Health and Welfare on April 10, 2018. Executive Session [upon reconvening Council may take a Vote and/or take Action on matters brought up for discussion in Executive Session, if required] For the following purposes, as allowed for in § 30-4-70(a) of the South Carolina Code of Laws: Discuss and receive legal advice in relation to attorney fee agreement for opioid litigation. Discuss and receive legal advice in relation to claim regarding alleged assessment/property record error. Council’s meetings shall be conducted pursuant to the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, Council’s Rules and the Model Rules of Parliamentary Procedure for South Carolina Counties, latest edition. This agenda may not be inclusive of all issues which Council may bring up for discussion at this meeting. Items are listed on Council’s agenda to give public notice of the subjects and issues to be discussed, acted upon, received as information and/or disposed of during the meeting. Items listed on Council’s agenda may be taken up, tabled, postponed, reconsidered, removed or otherwise disposed of as provided for under Council’s Rules, and Model Rules of Parliamentary Procedure for South Carolina Counties, latest edition, if not specified under Council’s rules. The meeting is open to the public and takes place in the Council Chambers of the Oconee County Administrative Offices at 415 South Pine Street in Walhalla.