OHS offering Low-Cost Spay and Neuter Certificates

Spay and neutering your pets is affordable in Oconee County, thanks to two programs, tells Angel Newman with the Oconee Humane Society (OHS). “The OHS subsidizes the difference in cost of the certificates and the actual cost of the surgery through its fund raising efforts. The certificate covers the cost for routine surgery only. There are no income requirements for this program. It is limited to Oconee County residents only. There is no limit to the number of certificates that can be purchased. The certificates are valid for six months. In addition, for residents of Oconee County that qualify, there is a program that assists with the costs of a spay or neuter surgery. OHS has commitment from many of the local veterinarians and obtained funding from Oconee County to administer this program. This partnership is called the Spay and Neuter Assistance Coalition (SNAC) program. The program is designed to provide low-income Oconee County residents, up to 200% over poverty, an affordable option to have their pets spayed or neutered. Pet owners qualifying for this program will pay sliding scale co-payments based on the income of their household. Pet owners at 100% of poverty would have a co-pay of $10; those over 100% and up to 150% of poverty would have $20 co-pay; while pet owners 150% up to 200% of poverty pay $30.” For more information about these programs, call OHS at 864-882-4719 or send an email to [email protected].