Learn about Voting Online

The June 12, Primaries are fast approaching in South Carolina. If you plan to vote in either the Democratic or Republican primary now is the time to check your voting status, says Oconee County Voter Registration and Elections Director Joy Scharich. “If you are already registered and you know that nothing has changed, you haven’t moved, you know where to go vote, you are good to go, but if not, if you are a new registration into the county, May 11, is the deadline to do that in person. Now, if it is coming through the mail it has to be postmarked by May 14. So, those days are quickly approaching and now is the time. Make sure you are registered in time. If you are already registered now is the time to make sure your address is correct with us, make sure you know where you go on Election Day; don’t wait until Election Day.” Checking or changing your voting status can be done online, continues Scharich. “You can register online, you can change your address online as long as you have changed it with the DMV because there is a connection there, but that website is statewide and the State Election Commission hosts that website. All the information you need about voting and registering to vote can be found on that website.” To learn more about voting in South Carolina, simply visit www.scvotes.org.