Available Jobs increase across SC in April

There were 61,200 advertised jobs in South Carolina during April, increasing by 800 from 60,300 jobs in March, according to the Conference Board’s monthly Help Wanted Online (HWOL) report. In April 2018, there were 2.63 ads per 100 people in the state’s civilian labor force. Nationally, there are 2.94 ads per 100 civilians in the labor force in April 2018. “South Carolina businesses are booming. Record numbers of people are working across the state taking advantage of the good paying jobs that our businesses are providing,” said Cheryl Stanton, executive director of the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce. “If anyone is in need of assistance either writing a resume, honing their interviewing skills or searching for a job, contact one of our SC Works centers for help.” The South Carolina industry with the most job openings is Professional and Related jobs with 20,801 and paying an average hourly wage of $30.17. This group is followed by Sales and Office, 12,696, paying on average $16.24 per hour; Production and Transportation, 9,493, paying on average $17.11 per hour; Service, 7,360, paying on average $11.85 per hour; Management and Business, 7,296, paying on average $40 per hour; and Construction and Maintenance, 6,454, paying on average $20.13 per hour. The February Supply and Demand Rate stands at 1.69 unemployed individuals for each advertised vacancy in South Carolina. The national February Supply and Demand Rate is 1.37. The S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) invests in building a pipeline of quality workers, matches workers with jobs, and is a bridge for individuals who find themselves out of work for no fault of their own. This promotes financial stability and economic prosperity for employers, individuals and communities. DEW is dedicated to advancing South Carolina through services that meet the needs of the state’s businesses, job seekers and those looking to advance their careers.