OC Sheriff’s Office issues Memorial Day Driving Safety Tips

With the Memorial Day holiday weekend, the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office is offering travel safety tips to help citizens be safe. An estimated 593,250 South Carolinians are expected to travel this Memorial Day weekend. With that increase in traffic volume on the roads, be patient and allow plenty of time to reach your destination. During most holiday time periods, road construction projects are normally suspended, however, posted speed limits in these areas will need to continue to be obeyed. Be aware for possible lane shifts in these areas and construction equipment on the side of the road too. Before you leave, make sure your vehicle is ready for travel. Check the air pressure in your tires according to the guidelines, plus, make sure all fluids are at their proper levels. Check your belts, hoses and brakes and make sure your spare tire is properly inflated and that you have the proper equipment for putting on your spare tire if you need to. It is always a good idea to plan out your route of travel and notify a family member or close friend of that route and how long you expect it will take you to reach your destination in case they need to find you should you encounter any problems. Make sure to contact that person to let them know when you arrive at your destination as well. Always make sure to have a fully charged cell phone with you and to have a charger in your vehicle as well. It is a good practice to carry some extra water or beverages and snacks with you as well just in case you become stranded.