Clemson schedules another Public Hearing on Land Regulations

The City of Clemson has scheduled another public hearing on land regulations. Last week, the Clemson City Council held its first and Mayor JC Cook says they wanted to give citizens more time to review the regulations. “It has been a lot of years since the land regulations in the City of Clemson have changed and we just thought it was time to go through them and make sure that we were up to date on everything. This has been an ongoing process over the last few months and we want to make sure we have it right. We had a public hearing and we heard from some of our citizens. Their main concerns were tree cover and slopes. We don’t have a lot of flat land in the Upstate, so how to deal with those slopes and build responsibly to keep our trees were big discussions. We felt like since we were so late getting the booklet out to the public on the website, which it is 62 pages long so it is not just a read it in five minute deal, that we would have another public hearing to make sure that the public can put their word in about what they like and don’t like about it. That will be at our June 18, City Council Meeting and that public hearing will start at 6pm before our regular council meeting that night.” Mayor Cook invites the public to comment on the land regulations proposal. “All of our public hearings and city council meetings are open to the public and we like to have the public involved in our process. We try to be as open as we can with everything that is going on in the city.” To read more about the proposed land regulations for the City of Clemson, visit Once again that public hearing takes place at 6pm on June 18, in Council Chambers of Clemson City Hall.