Magical Educator to rock out with Books at OCPL

Magical Educator Chad Crews will be performing his program, “Reading ROCKS!” at all branches of the Oconee County Public Library (OCPL) this summer. The “Reading ROCKS!” program is part of the OCPL’s Summer Reading Program, which takes place in public libraries all summer long. Crews’ program contains a combination of magic, storytelling, music, and a live animal or two. Additionally, the program showcases several books relating to the different themes in the show. He also encourages everyone in the audience to get a library card and to make use of the many resources at their local libraries. Crews has been performing educational programs for libraries and schools for fifteen years. His “Reading ROCKS!” program will include a live snake as well as routines, magic tricks, and stories emphasizing the “Libraries ROCK!” theme of this year’s Summer Reading Program. Crews encourages children to read and always lets them know that most of the tricks he learned came from reading books on magic. Needless to say, the books on magic and animals are usually the first ones to be checked out after the show. Everyone is invited to attend one of the free shows at the OCPL. Crews will be performing on Monday, June 4, at 11am at the Walhalla Branch and 3pm at the Salem Branch. He will also be performing Monday, July 9, at 11am at the Seneca Branch and 3pm at the Westminster Branch.