Moulder settling into City Administrator Position

On May 14, the City of Seneca hired Scott Moulder to replace Greg Dietterick as City Administrator. Dietterick retires on June 30, after 20 years serving the city. Moulder says Dietterick has been instrumental in the transition process and describes his first two weeks on the job as a wild ride. “He’s been there the entire time and he’s got a head full of history and knowledge that is helping to set things in place for me as I try to go through all the different projects and files to get caught up. He has really been instrumental in allowing me to have a smooth transition. In the last two weeks, I have been trying to meet department heads to just get an idea of the different projects and issues that they have. I’m learning a little bit about the ends and outs of the departments. I’ve been studying the financials and obviously coming in and only having a few weeks to present and produce a budget has been a little difficult but I have to thank Josh Riches, he’s done a great job in the Finance Department helping me become acclimated. He is some what new, coming to the city in October and has done a great job jumping in and getting his hands wrapped around it. But the first two weeks, I feel kind of like a rodeo clown; I’m all dressed up, I’m running around trying to dodge the horns, take the heat off other people, and hope I don’t get hit. So, it has been a wild ride so far.” Moulder served eight years as Oconee County Administrator before accepting the job in the City of Seneca.