Websites drawing More Visitors to OC

More people are turning to the internet to find fun things to do and places to go on vacation. To capitalize on this growing trend, Oconee County has two websites that are drawing visitors to the Golden Corner of South Carolina, explains Oconee County Parks, Recreation and Tourism Director Phil Shirley. “We utilize a couple of websites. When we went to we felt the need to have a more focused website on the county park system, so we created and so those folks who are trying to get their reservations made it is quick and easy, you click on the park and it takes you straight to You can still get to our parks through this is just kind of a quicker way and people are learning that and using it. We also have, which is our tourism website. If you are on there is a link at the top that says visitor information and it takes you straight over to it. That is our main website that really focuses on all the markets within the tourism industry; restaurants, hiking, waterfalls, arts and cultural. They are all on the website, so we have a couple of different platforms, both of them serve a really good purpose and they are both being used really well.” Find out more about what Oconee County has to offer by visiting and