Elliott wins Republican Primary for OC Council District 1

There will be a new member of the Oconee County Council next year. Tuesday night, challenger John Elliott defeated incumbent Edda Cammick with 78% of the votes cast in the Republican Primary for District 1 on the Oconee County Council. “I think that the voters were expressing that we need expertise in financial planning and expertise in leadership and someone to get behind a long range land development plan. They expressed their opinion today and through absentee voting. I look forward to serving the county. We still have a General Election, I do have a Democratic opponent and we will work hard all the way through November.” Elliott received 2,626 votes to Cammick’s 754. Elliott thanked his supporters for helping him win the Republican Primary. “Thank you for voting. We have freedom here in the United States where we have a choice and everyone should appreciate that choice and vote their opinion.” These are unofficial results and must be certified by the Oconee County Elections Commission on Thursday. If the results remain unchanged then Elliott will face Democrat Bill Bruehl in the General Election on Nov. 6, for a four-year term on the Oconee County Council that begins Jan. 1, 2019.