More Wind than Rain recorded in Walhalla

More wind than rain was recorded in Walhalla during Sunday and Monday nights’ thunderstorms, reports Official U.S. Weather Observer Barbara Wilson from her weather station at Hickory Hollow Farm in Walhalla. “Well the one on Sunday night was a lot of wind, a few little limbs came down and we only had .21 of precipitation. Yesterday, the big storm went above and below the weather center here and we only had .11, but both days we had a high of 92 and lows in the mid 60’s. So, there was much more damage down in the southeast part of the county.” Numbers may be different where you live, Wilson recorded these figures from her weather station, which is about a mile from downtown Walhalla. Wilson and her family, the Brandts, have been recording the weather from Walhalla for the National Weather Service for over 100 years. They are the longest active weather watchers and volunteer reporters for the National Weather Service.