National Mosquito Control Awareness Week

It’s National Mosquito Control Awareness Week, June 24-30. Health officials with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) are educating residents about mosquitoes and the diseases they carry. In addition, everyone is urged to do their part by protecting themselves and their homes from the potential spread of mosquito-borne illnesses. Be vigilant about protecting yourself from bites and ridding your yard of containers where mosquitoes breed. Get rid of places where adult mosquitoes can find cool, dark, and damp areas to rest by mowing the lawn, trimming shrubbery, and cutting down weeds and vines, such as ivy, in the yard and next to the house. Clear out weeds, leaves, dirt, and other debris from pipes, especially those under a driveway. Make sure that water does not stand inside or near the ends of the pipe. Clean out rain gutters and downspouts regularly. Clogged gutters are one of the most overlooked breeding sites for mosquitoes around homes. Empty and turn over containers that hold water such as cans, jars, drums, bottles, flower pots, buckets, children’s toys, wheel barrows, old appliances, plastic sheeting or tarps used to cover objects like grills or swimming pools, etc. Drain or fill any low places, such as potholes, on your property where water collects and stands for more than five to seven days. Wear insect repellent or protective clothing. When used as directed, insect repellent is the best way to protect yourself from mosquito bites. To learn more, visit DHEC’s mosquito page at