Most Dogs don’t like Fireworks

Fireworks are synonymous with the 4th of July, but if you own a dog, you know that most dogs don’t like fireworks. More pets go missing on the 4th of July than any other day of the year. So, bring all pets, especially dogs, inside and create a safe place for them to stay during celebrations, says Angel Newman with the Oconee Humane Society. “We hope people realize that pets don’t understand what the Independence Day celebrations are all about. We urge everyone with indoor and outdoor pets to keep them in a confined space, hopefully you can stay with them, but if you are out celebrating, keep them inside in a little area put on some music or the TV or something that will distract them a little bit from all the outer noises. Just keep them safe during the fireworks celebrations.” The loud noise and flickering lights of fireworks can cause even normally calm pets to try and get away from the disturbance. Planning ahead for any celebrations, which include fireworks will help keep pets safe and sound.