More Paving planned for Bypass 123

As South Carolina’s dedicated fund to fix the roads and the bridges grows with the higher gas tax, Seneca’s heavily-traveled and bumpy Bypass 123 is getting some special attention. Recently, the Greenville office of the DOT administered a full-depth patching, crack seal and micro-surfacing project from Old Salem Road to North Walnut Street. This pavement preservation technique stretches the life of the pavement five to seven additional years before the state eventually re-surfaces the highway with a full two-inch asphalt cover. In the next 30 days or so, the DOT plans to begin work on 1.71 miles of Bypass 123 from West North First Street to North Walnut Street. These sections will be a traditional mill and fill project in where the DOT mill out two-inches of old asphalt and put it back. The anticipated completion date for this project is June 30, 2019.