You can still register for Summer School at SHS

The second session of summer school started today, July 9, at Seneca High School (SHS), but Guidance Director Cari Carter says students can still register. “Our second session of summer school just started today. It runs through July 21. It is from 8am to 1pm, Monday through Friday. Our kids can take online courses through the APEX Program and we do have some classroom courses, I believe that Economics is going on this part of the summer. Our kids that participate in summer school have bus transportation and they get breakfast and lunch everyday. It is not too late, if kids are at home and need something to do and would like to take an extra class this summer, they can contact Tina Holliday at 864-886-4460 or email her at [email protected].” Summer school is popular at SHS, adds Carter. “We actually do have a fairly large enrollment. We had about 50 kids participating in the first session, but I’m not sure about the second session since it just started today. We have kids doing various things, some are interested in graduating as a third year students instead of a fourth year student, so they may take an extra English or math class, we have some kids who just don’t have room in their schedule because they have choral classes or band or something like that or participate in sports and just want a little less of a load during the school year, so they may take a summer class.” For more information about summer school at SHS, call 864-886-4460.