SC AG urging confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh to Supreme Court

On Friday, July 13, South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson joined a 26-state coalition in urging Senate leaders to confirm the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. The coalition expressed its support in a Thursday letter sent to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and Senate Judiciary Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein. “Throughout his career, Judge Kavanaugh has demonstrated an abiding commitment to the principles and freedoms on which our country was founded, and an unshakable respect for the proper role of the courts within our constitutional structure,” Attorney General Wilson joined in writing. “The Senate should confirm Judge Kavanaugh without delay.” As one of the nation’s most distinguished judges, Judge Kavanaugh has served for 12 years on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. His opinions on that court show that he shares the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s commitment to interpreting the Constitution as it was originally written. The coalition believes Judge Kavanaugh is particularly well-suited to enforce the Constitution’s limits on federal overreach and protect the role of individual states. Such wisdom would hold in check federal agencies, such as those that in the past have consistently overstepped the bounds of their authority under the Constitution, to the detriment of the states. Judge Kavanaugh offers a positive change. He respects the role of state governments and has consistently defended the constitutional rights to freedom of speech, religion and the right to bear arms. Judge Kavanaugh has shown respect for the principles of federalism and the balance of power reflected in the Constitution. The Senate previously confirmed Judge Kavanaugh to the federal appeals bench. The coalition’s letter finds no reason why a jurist of such immense qualifications should not receive prompt confirmation once again. South Carolina joined the West Virginia-led letter with Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin and Wyoming.