Choosing the Best Pillow to relieve Neck Pain

You’ve probably seen ads on TV promoting the perfect pillow to reduce or eliminate neck pain. Well, choosing the best pillow to relieve neck pain can be difficult, says David Bright, Chief of Physical Therapy at Excel Rehab and Sports in South Carolina. “We are bombarded by ads and offers to eliminate these problems and I think the underlining piece is what is the problem. A lot of us have neck pain when we wake up in the morning and then we see this ad on TV saying that this pillow will make all the difference, you will wake up with a better night sleep and you will feel younger. The hard part is that we have so many options and the reality is that there is not necessarily an answer for that. For each person there are going to be some pillow options that are going to be better for them. The key is when you are sleeping, you are not using something that is putting you in a position that is just really hard on your body all together. For me, if I’m lying on my back and I have two or three pillows under my head and my chin is getting down towards my chest, I can tell that might feel good initially, but that is not the optimal position to be in when sleeping. So, whether you have a fancy pillow or just the old cheep one, it is important to find that position that naturally supports the head and neck. You don’t want your body to be contorted into a position that is going to put stress on the neck or hold it in an awkward position over all.” Find a pillow that supports your body’s natural curves without pushing your head to far forward or back. If pain persists, call Excel Rehab and Sports in South Carolina for a free screening at 864-654-2001. Learn more about choosing the best pillow to relive neck pain by listening to the Patient First Mission Segment presented by Excel Rehab and Sports this Saturday morning, July 21, at 7:30am on 94.1 The Lake, WSNW.