Look for Community Workdays at Abernathy Park

More community volunteer workdays are planned for Abernathy Park in Clemson. The city is taking some time off the project to revitalize the park during the summer heat, but more workdays will be announced soon, says Clemson Mayor JC Cook. “I appreciate all the volunteers that have come out and worked. We haven’t had any workdays during the summer because it is just so hot and we don’t want people to get overheated and a lot of that boardwalk is in direct sunlight. So, we will be planning some fall workdays when the weather starts cooling off a little bit and I just ask people that want to volunteer their time to keep up with the city webpage, we will be posting those days.” That website is www.cityofclemson.org. Mayor Cook tells more about the project to restore the Larry W. Abernathy Park boardwalk. “The park is about 18 to 19-years-old and the boards used for the boardwalk are just weathered out and worn out, lot of them have started to get warped, so it is just in bad shape. We are replacing all the boards, its about 7,000 liner feet, so its a lot of boards when you are putting down five inches at a time. Once we get all that done then we will come back and upgrade the handrails along the sides as well. So, its a big project and we are trying to do it with community volunteers just to save on the cost of labor and keep the cost low for our citizens.” Volunteer positions are available for all skill levels and abilities. Lunch will be provided to all volunteers.