Scott hails passage of FY 2019 NDAA

On Wednesday, Aug. 1, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), member of the Armed Services Committee, released the following statement upon final passage of the John S. McCain Fiscal Year 2019 National Defense Authorization Act. “South Carolinians know that our armed forces are the pillars of our country’s national defense. They are exceptional, the finest in the world. I am proud that not only did Congress authorize funding for our military and pass needed policy improvements, but we did so before the end of the fiscal year, a true testament to the importance of our nation’s armed forces,” said Senator Scott. Provisions that were championed by Senator Scott were South Carolina base improvements; troop readiness and military equipment enhancement; resources to advance the industrial base in South Carolina that supports US Navy shipbuilding up and down the east coast; military pay raise of 2.6% effective Jan. 1, 2019; and the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act (FIRRMA), a key piece of national security legislation that will give the administration a set of new tools to ensure that American intellectual property and proprietary technology never fall into the hands of nefarious foreign actors that wish to harm us.